Language Learner Pro
Learn foreign languages effectively, make sure knowledge sticks and become a confident speaker, even if you're busy.
If you only take one language learning class in your life, this is it!
My life changed forever when I started learning my first foreign language. In the years since, I've learned four more languages and I've taught some of them too. I've made friends from all over the world, I've discovered the magic of watching foreign films without subtitles, I've read countless novels by my favourite French and South American authors, and I've studied and lived abroad.
Speaking a foreign language is a truly remarkable gift you can give to yourself. It changes your perception of the reality around you and gives you an insight into how other people think and feel. Learning and being able to see your own progress is one of the most satisfying things in the world.
I know you understand the magic of language learning too. I know you want to learn effectively and make progress. I know you want to be a confident learner who knows how to truly engage in a conversation. I know you sometimes find it hard to find the time to learn or to stay motivated. I'll show you how to do that.
What’s your language dream?
My dream is to help you discover your true potential. It’s to help you stay motivated and always move forward. It’s to create a world with no barriers where people can make friends and experience amazing things despite language differences. It’s to show you that you can do it - you can speak a foreign language, be confident and truly enjoy the learning process.
So what’s your dream?
Do you want to:
- Stop feeling like you’re always going over the same material and not making progress?
- Finally be able to see the difference between how much you knew a month ago and how much you know now?
- Stop procrastinating and find the time to learn a language even if you’re busy?
- Regain confidence and self-belief, and never be too shy to speak again?
- Always remember the words you learn and recall them from memory when you need to use them?
- Understand spoken language and engage fully in conversations you have in the language you’re learning?
- Conquer the world with your amazing language skills?
I’ve been there too when starting to learn each one of the languages I speak today. I know it’s tough at the start of this journey. But I’ve tried different methods and learned a lot along the way.
I want to share this knowledge with you.

Learn my most effective language learning techniques
This course focuses on the four pillars of fluency - vocabulary, reading, listening and speaking.
You will learn to:
- Set SMART goals that will help you make visible progress in all areas of language learning
- Manage your time effectively to make sure you can finally find time for language learning
- Build productive habits, get into the 'growth mindset', and regain your confidence and self-belief
- Incorporate vocabulary learning strategies into your daily life, and learn techniques that will make words 'stick'
- Read in your target language effectively to maximise your learning and to help you speak
- Listen to your target language effectively to support your speaking skills, and have engaging and meaningful conversations
- Practise speaking even if you've got nobody to talk to
- Evaluate your progress and adapt your SMART goals to ensure you're always moving forward
Fit your learning around your busy schedule
We're all busy - we have work, school, family commitments. We want to stay fit and pursue our interests - read, see our friends, cook nice food. How can we find time for language learning?
It's absolutely possible! In this course, I'm going to show you learning strategies and techniques that will help you fit language learning around your busy lifestyle.
Active learning for faster progress
The vocabulary, reading, listening and speaking techniques I talk about in this course are all about active learning. By active, I mean learning which focuses on assimilating new knowledge and skills, and putting them into practice straight away. Knowledge + practice = a perfect combination that will help you achieve fluency!
The 'growth mindset'
Motivation is a key component of learning a foreign language. How do you stay focused? How do you build and maintain your internal motivation? How do you start believing that you can actually be fluent? I'm going to show you how!
What's included in this course?
- Over 2 hours of video lectures
- Transcripts of all lectures
- Examples of SMART language learning goals
- A downloadable SMART goal setting template and checklist
- Downloadable vocabulary learning flashcards and worksheets
- A sample reading practice schedule
- A downloadable reading schedule template
- A downloadable synonym tracker
- An evaluation and progress tracking checklist
- A homework exercise that you can submit to Agnieszka – your tutor
- Lots of inspiration!
The materials included in this course are worth over $1,000 so the price I'm offering this at is a real bargain. This language learning system has taken me years and thousands to develop into a simple format that gets you results.
Take a peek inside!
Here's a selection of screenshots of what you can expect inside the course, once you've enrolled. Take a look at the curriculum section below as well for more details of what's included in each module!
Your Instructor
Aga is the founder of 5-Minute Language. She is a qualified English teacher and also offers advice on learning other foreign languages effectively and independently.
Aga's mission is to to help and motivate language learners worldwide so that every person in the world has a chance to learn a foreign language.