“I'm a teacher. I need to build my social media so that I can attract students who will pay for my products or services. I want to make some money online from my teaching skills. Or even make a full-time career out of it!”

Does this sound like you? Are you looking to generate an income from your teaching online? 

You might just be thinking about moving onto social media or you already have a modest presence (up to 10k followers) on a platform such as Instagram or TikTok? 
You plan to harness your teaching skills to help students and earn from it in the process. You want to accelerate your growth and establish a strong personal brand online. You want to monetise your expertise. 

But there’s a slight problem ... 

➡️ Your content doesn’t get enough views even though you're putting a lot of work in 
➡️ Your content is good but you don’t get a lot of engagement 
➡️ Your online accounts are growing slowly, or not at all 

Or maybe you feel the reason you’re not growing is: 

➡️ because your editing skills are not as good as other creators'? 
➡️ or you just don’t have enough time to post consistently and come up with content people engage with?

Or simply: you don't know where to start!

I totally get it. I’ve been in your shoes. I started my online business seven years ago. It wasn’t an overnight success.

There was a lot of trial and error. Many hours put into creating content that people liked. Students found useful. But ultimately, it didn’t bring a financial return on the time I invested.

So I want to help you avoid the mistakes I learnt the hard way. Your time is too valuable for the trial and error approach. I will show you what has worked for me and how it can work for you and your online teaching business. I’m very excited to be a part of your journey. 

Today is the day. Seize the moment. 


Teach and Thrive Online

An online programme for teachers who want to grow on social media to turn their passion into an online business.

On our journey together, I will help you:

✅ Set up well-optimised Instagram and TikTok accounts
✅ Film, edit and post engaging short-form videos for social media
✅ Build a system to generate endless video ideas for your brand
✅ Explore ways in which you can monetise your online presence
✅ Gain new students who are interested in your products and services
I can’t promise you instant financial success. But I do promise that I will share all of the top tips I have that made my business a success. 

Some viral videos...

I want to share with you a few examples of viral reels and TikToks I’ve created recently. These took time to plan, execute and edit. Each of them is different, and it is popular for a different reason. 
Your job as a creator is to figure out why a particular video works or doesn't, and make more videos that work. 
The more content you make, the easier the process becomes. But there are some universal rules I can share with you to help you get started and make it easier for you to succeed.
Click the image
to watch on Instagram

Click the image
to watch on Instagram

Click the image
to watch on Instagram

Let me tell you a little bit more about me …. 

Hi, I'm Agnieszka Murdoch. You can call me Aga.

I am a certified language teacher with nearly 20 years' worth of experience of learning and teaching foreign languages. I also have 14+ years of experience working in senior content design and digital communications roles in the UK. 

Crucially, I’m the founder of 5-Minute Language. I have helped many thousands of learners around the world learn foreign languages independently. I do this by creating and selling online courses and learning experiences through my English language teaching brand English with Aga

🌟 My YouTube videos on my channel English with Aga have been watched more than 4 million times
🌟 Almost 800k TikTok followers with more than 4.7 million likes  
🌟 More than 450k Instagram followers with a reach of 1.5 million per month 
🌟 More than 50% of my paying customers come from Instagram and TikTok

I want to help you start your journey towards building a profitable and sustainable online teaching business. 
Whilst earning a living from an online education business is great, you have to love what you do. I love hearing from my students and feel honoured that I have made a difference to their learning journeys. As you know as a teacher yourself, learning is a wonderful thing. It can open up new horizons for life - exciting job opportunities, chances to study, live and work overseas. I like to think that learning is a revolutionary act. It can truly be life-changing! 

So before you sign up to the course, I want to share some comments from my very valued community...

What my followers are saying:

"Your tips are always so useful! I always learn something new whenever I watch your videos. Thank you Aga."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've been trying to answer this question for a long time, and now everything is finally clear!"

"I always struggle with this topic and you've made it so easy to understand. I love your content and never miss your videos!"

And here are some emails I’ve received from my students:

"Aga – thank you for your exceptional work in teaching English. Your teaching methods are innovative and different. Thanks to your videos, I feel more confident in my English abilities and I have made remarkable progress since I started following you."

"Learning English from you has been an incredible experience! I'm a busy person – I have young kids and a full-time job, but your content is so easy to watch and interesting that I always find the time to watch your new videos. I'm grateful for your dedication and expertise."

My paid-for resources: the core business

I am very lucky to have such a close-knit community, engaged in the product I offer. I want to help you build a similar thing. 

But my community is not just my social media accounts. It extends beyond that. Thousands of my followers and email subscribers have also paid for my video courses and other learning experiences I offer on top of my free social media content. 

These paid-for resources are the ‘bread and butter’ of my work, and one of the primary ways in which I monetise my online presence. 

Here is some lovely feedback from my online courses:

🌟 "Your courses are incredibly easy to follow, your explanations are clear, and I like the examples you use. I have seen a lot of progress in my grammar skills, and I feel more confident in my English writing and speaking abilities. Thank you for creating such effective and accessible courses!"

🌟 "Signing up for one of your video courses was the best decision I made for improving my English, especially grammar and vocabulary. They are easy to follow and understand. I like the interactive exercises and quizzes too, and I can confidently say that my English skills have significantly improved. Thank you Aga!"

So what are you waiting for? Grow your teaching business online. Join my programme Teach and Thrive Online today.

In this course, I will give you:

✅ Lots of practical tips on how to build your social media channels
✅ Ideas and content generation tips
✅ Advice on how to monetise your content 

The course structure:

Chapter 1: Setting up and optimising your profile 
➡️ Set up and optimise your social media profiles to grow your following and generate leads 

Chapter 2: Collecting leads 
➡️ Start collecting email leads to offer more value to your audience outside of the social media platform, and start turning your followers into paying customers

Chapter 3: Attracting your ideal audience 
➡️ Learn to identify and solve your audience's burning problems to increase engagement 
➡️ Explore ways to learn about who your audience is and what they need 
➡️ Harness analytics to ensure you're only doing what works, to increase engagement, grow your following and generate leads for your teaching business 

Chapter 4: Creating great content 
➡️ Learn systems that will help you generate content ideas that work for your audience 
➡️ Learn to structure your content in a way that hooks your audience and encourages engagement 
➡️ Develop a strategy for posting and publicising your content for maximum results 
➡️ Learn how to make the most of the social media apps' functionality to grow your following and gain traction with your content 

Chapter 5: Filming and editing 
➡️ Improve your filming and editing skills to give your audience exactly what they need 

Chapter 6: Monetisation 
➡️ Explore different ways in which you can monetise your online presence 
➡️ Identify and plan your first steps to turn your followers into paying customers

The course is a mixture of pre-recorded videos, articles and practical exercises. They are all very actionable and provide you with practical steps that you need to take to succeed as an online educator. 

Still not totally sold on the idea of starting (or continuing) your online teaching business? 

Over the years, I’ve heard people question if this is the right time for them. Haven’t they missed the boat already?There are thousands of popular teaching channels already established out there. Won’t my content just get drowned out by all the others?

Well, I understand why you might feel this way. But if you look at it another way, whilst some budding creators have procrastinated and convinced themselves the time is not quite right, others have got on with it. Do you think the creator who went on to generate sales or the teacher who never took the plunge regrets their decision?

Believe me when I say there is space for you.

Every creator has something new and unique to bring to the table. 

You might already know what your niche is - explaining complex grammar points simply, easy to mimic pronunciation drills, or exam preparation classes. Or you might find your niche after you start. Who knows, you might unexpectedly become ‘big in Brazil’ or popular with millennial learners in Europe! 

The online learning space is booming. It is expanding every year. All around the world. That means there’s a much greater potential for income generation as more and more students look online.

My business is proof that finding out what works and identifying your strengths will bring you results. 

Are you ready to turn your expertise into a thriving online business?
Join Teach and Thrive Online today!


Frequently asked questions:

When does this course start and finish?
You get access to Chapter 1 as soon as you join. Then, you get access to a new chapter every week. Once you've completed the course, you will have lifetime access to the materials.

What if I don't like the course? Can I get a refund?
If you change your mind, you can contact us within the first 5 days for a full refund, as long as you haven't completed more than 3 lessons. Lessons are marked as completed when you open them.

Any other questions? Get in touch and we'll be happy to help!